Hotel and Resort Management Software / System in India

Manage hotel booking for a group of Travellers easily with your tour operators with the help of our Hotel Extranet Systems, Suppliers like GTA, DOTW, AOT, Hotel Beds, Channel Managers, Hotel/Resort Contracting System.
- The data is pulled through multiple sources such as Hotel Extranet Systems, Suppliers like GTA, DOTW, AOT, Hotel Beds, Channel Managers, Hotel/Resort Contracting System.
- Product mapping methodology is used to handle the duplicity of products.
- Data generating from multiple sources are integrated and mapped in one code.
- Choose from Hotels, Resorts or Camps.
- Search by Destination, name, location, price, ratings.
- Filter based on available amenities such as AC, Heater, Luxury & comfort, Occupancy.
- Sort by Popularity, recommendations, price low to high, price high to low.
- Modify Search.
- Selected Product Information: Product Description, Product Amenities, Other Description, Other Amenities, Media, Map & Street View, Cancellation Policies, Offers, Vouchers, Ratings & Reviews.
- Select the best suitable options by setting parameters based on the number of requirements.
- Booking review.
- Payment gateway selection.
- Instant payment confirmation email and receipt generation for print.
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